UOI Layout

How we organize ourselves:
Title: All for One and One for All!
Central Idea: A community is impacted by the involvement of its members.
Lines of inquiry:
-Rights and responsibilities within a society
-The process of decision-making
-Understanding and meeting the needs of the community

Who we are:
Title: On the move
Central Idea: People choose different ways to migrate from one place to another
Lines of inquiry:
-Transportation then and now
-Reasons people choose to migrate
-Effects on the receiving country after migration

How we express ourselves:
Title: Who we are
Central Idea: Families around the world recognize and celebrate cultural events through celebrations and traditions.
Lines of inquiry:
-Cultures of the local community
-Celebrations and traditions within cultures
-The importance of the celebration to its culture

How the world works:
Title: Built it!
Central idea: The properties of construction materials influence the design of buildings and structures.
Lines of inquiry:
-Different building materials and their properties
-The structure of buildings and bridges
-The materials and shapes used in making different stable, weight bearing structures

Where we are in Place and time:
Title: Super Simple Machines!
Central Idea: Simple machines have helped shape the world.
Lines of inquiry:
-The social evolution of simple machines
-Simple machines and movement within societies past and present
-How humans have used simple machines in the environment

Sharing the Planet:
Title: Protect our Planet!
Central Idea: A sustainable environment requires a balance between all living things
Lines of Inquiry:
-Relationship between animals and humans
-Animals at risk, endangered and extinct
-Personal choices that can help sustain wildlife

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