Wednesday 28 February 2018

Today's agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes on Raz-Kids
-Spelling pg. 89-92
-Spelling sentences
-Math worksheet [slides]
-Sign and return math test

For math today we learned about slides and how to identify slides [translations] using pattern blocks and pictures.

We started off with an activity. We all faced the front and practiced sliding to the left, right, forward and backward. Cha cha slide...after we discussed how each time we slid we did not turn and always faced the front. 

After we looked at using pattern blocks and sliding them. Students described:

How a slide moves an object along a line. The way the object faces does not change. Slides can be in different directions. Slides can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. A slide is sometimes called a translation. So when we did our activity we always faced the same, and when we go on a slide we don't turn we face the same way but are moving one place to another in a straight line. 

After students worked with pattern blocks to draw slides and describe them.

After we shared some of our slides and then talked about the bottom portion of what is shown here:

They had to tell me which shapes were slides, which ones slid vertically, horizontally and diagonally. 
We also looked at describing why some shape I drew were not slides. [because they turned or flipped]

Then they worked on their worksheets. 

After lunch we read 'Get to know inclined planes'. Before reading students shared their prior knowledge of inclined planes and described the experiments they did on Monday.

We recapped how friction makes a inclined plane slow objects down. We also discussed how the steeper it is [means the angle] means that it is more difficult to get up. 

After we began working on our UOI projects for the rest of the day. 
We still had French as usual in between.

Can't wait to see the finished projects!

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Agenda notes:
-Read on Raz Kids for 20 minutes
-UOI summative materials
-Bake sale tomorrow
-Casual Day tomorrow
-Spelling pg 89-92
-Spelling sentences
-Cursive up to pg 90
-Math worksheet [grids and maps]
-Sign and return math test

After we worked on writing our spelling sentences. Every week this needs to be done for our list words. 

We must make detailed sentences with adjectives!

After we went to PE with Miss Yustin.

Then we had math! We started our new unit today which is Motion Geometry!

Today's lesson was on describing how to move from one place to another on a grid.

First, we started talking about what a grid is and where have you seen it before? Students we able to say we used them for our data management unit when creating graphs and sometimes they saw it on the paper we used in class. 

We figured out that a grid is a series of lines in columns and rows that make small squares.
We then looked at a chess board and asked to describe it. We decided it is definitely a grid.

We used a chess board to figure out the different ways to descibe how a knight moves in a game of chess. Students worked on decribing the different L patterns. Imoves to a square that is two squares away horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally.

After we looked at a map and describing how to move from one place to the other with the correct vocabulary and precision.

We discussed two ways you could correctly answer the questions and it involved flipping around either the left/right and the up/down. We also discussed how the movement of an 'L' is usually the fastest instead of zig-zags.

Students then worked in partners to challenge each other to describe how to move from one person to another on a grid. 

We made sure not include the space that we are starting from!

After we looked at how sometimes a location can be pinpointed on a map right where the lines intersect. We then looked at how to go backwards from a location by using the opposite directions.

Then we worked on our worksheets. 

After we went to first lunch and recess.

When we returned we read chapter 6 of our novel study. 'Horrible Harry and the Holidaze.' We wrote down prediction before reading and learned how to make valid predictions using the title, pictures, and the information that we previously read.

After we had French with Mme. Stella.

When we returned from recess we had UOI. Today we had an in depth look at the form and function of levers. 

We read 'Get to now levers'
Students were able to apply the knowledge the learned from yesterday to today.

We talked about the three parts of a level 'ELF' effort, load, fulcrum and the three classes of levers.

We then moved into our experiments and stations.

One station was moving a stack of math textbooks with a pencil in which they had to use two pencils [one as the wedge] to make a level to move the textbook. Let's just say in the process we broke a few pencils and a ruler. But through our inquiry students were eventually able to successfully lift the books with the pencil.

One station made catapults, with pencils, popsicle sticks and block.

One station made a first class level using a rule, pencil crayon as the wedge and blocks as the load and effort. 

One station was trying different experiments to move a load.

After we came together to share our findings about how a wedge helps us move objects. We know if we move the fulcrum closer to the load it is easier to move!

Then we got ready for home!

Monday 26 February 2018

Spirit week is next week! Wear your special outfits for these themes!
Monday - PJ Day - house game at 9 
Tuesday - Superhero/Princess Day - house game at 12 
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday - house game at 2:50 
Thursday - Sports Day - house game 12 

Friday - St. Patricks Day - house game at 9 

Today's agenda notes:
-Read for 20 minutes
-UOI summatives
-Spelling pg.
-Spelling sentences
-Cursive up to pg. 90
-Casual day Wednesday
-Bake sale tomorrow and Wednesday

After, we started spelling; we are looking at when a vowel is followed by 'r', the vowel sound is changed by the 'r'.

f a r m is pronounced f 'ah' rm
c o r n is pronounced c 'oh' rn not c o r n
f l o o r  is fl'oh'r not flooooooor [haha]

Here are the spelling words
2. corn
3. hard
4. park
5. part
6. horse
7. more
8. far
9. floor
10. warm

For group 2b we are looking at plural words. For words that end in y you have to take off the 'y' and add 'ies'. For words that end in 'x,' 's,' 'sh,' or 'ch' we add es.

Here are the words
1. cones
2. hunters
3. desks
4. babies
5. berries
6. puppies
7. bushes
8. bunches
9. brushes
10. branches
11. inches
12. taxes
13. classes
14. dishes
15. watches
16. boxes
17. passes
18. glasses
19. peaches
20. hobbies

Then we went to PE with Miss Yustin.

Then we continued with spelling.

Then we started to look at the form and function of pulleys.
We read 'Get to know Pulleys'

We learned that pulleys have a wheel with a groove and a rope/belt/ or chain that helps to lift a load.
We also learned that a fixed pulley does not move such as a well and a moveable pulley moves such as a zipline. We looked at how pulley systems are made of 2 or more pulley.

Also the more pulleys there are the more of a load you can lift!

We then broke off into groups and created different pulleys.

We also worked in groups to experiment with a pulley and lighter and heavier loads. 

After we consolidated and shared our findings and learning before going to lunch.

After recess we had our Scientists in School workshop!!!!

We had so much fun learning about simple machines.

We started off talking about levers and that they have and if Aashyra can lift me. She tried to actually lift me! But then we moved on to the lever and seeing if she can lift me. We figured out that we can move the fulcrum in order to lift me.

Then students moved on to different stations.

1. Pulleys
2. Wheel and axle
3. Inclined planes and wedges
4. Screw
5. Lever


I will get more pictures from our awesome helpers today!